El Capp Fest

Climbing & Transition(s) Festival

Cabanes Urbaines, La Rochelle | 28.09 → 01.10

Cabanes Urbaines, La Rochelle
28.09 → 01.10

Let's experience a new world together?
1st international mixed climbing competition
Get inspired
Conferences of our great witnesses and Participative village actor of inspiring initiatives
Festive evenings and concerts
Join the movement
Unusual initiatives to minimize your carbon footprint

Together, let's shape tomorrow!

El Capp Fest: A competition open to everyone!!!

Like at the crag where you meet the 9b climber belaying the 6a climber, El Capp Fest is open to ALL climbers! That's why we will have a pro competition and an amateur one, but where everyone will climb together!

El Capp Fest will host 200 climbers. You're free to partipate in either the pro or amateur competition.

A mixed competition is before anything else a challenge for the route setters!

It's great to promote diversity and equity, but how excatly do we go about it!? Do women and men fight on equal terms in climbing or is it a utopia? We started by making an inventory of the physical/technical/tactical qualities of the different female and male athletes.

El Capp Fest will be above all experiments and therefore discoveries. We do not pretend to have the right solution, but only the desire to try, learn and advance our sport.

€20.000 prize money
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Je m'voyais On la voyait déjà, en haut de l'affiche !
Lorem ipsumLorem ipsum
Emmenez-moi aupays des merveillesEl Capp Fest !
Ecopoint challenge

Capp ou pas cap ?

Are you coming with your sand yacht?

A low-carbon adventure

Stories construct our imaginations, examples inspire our actions. We have a unique challenge combining fun and commitment: come to El Capp Fest in the most carbon-free and wacky way possible! By hitchhiking, horse-drawn carriage, moonwalk or bicycle, let's open together the universe of possibilities in terms of mobility!! (and minimize the event's carbon footprint).

Some climbers embark on the adventure to come here, combining fun and commitment:

  • Bleau: Lucien Martinez is doing some propaganda to bring the people of Bleau using sand yachts!
  • Grenoble: Symon Welfringer wants to cycle non-stop from Grenoble to La Rochelle to present his film.
  • Marseille: Nolwen Berthier wishes to highlight inspiring initiatives on the route in terms of ecological and social transition in addition to coming with a carbon-free mean of transport.
  • Toulouse: We have a horse-drawn carriage trip getting organized!

High level climber, amateur climber or spectator, this challenge is open to all!!!!

Registrations will open in June, stay tuned! A jury made up of members of the organization and event partners will select the best adventures based on unbiased criteria. The public will choose the winner through a live poll!

Emmenez-moi aupays des merveillesEl Capp Fest !
Get inspired

Conferences, panel discussions, film screenings…

Come listen and discuss with these women and men who have imagined a more virtuous future. In the form of conferences or panel discussions, several great witnesses will be in La Rochelle to guide us on the path of cooperation, respect for the environment and well-being.

  • Cyril Dion
  • Paloma Moritz
  • Cynthia Fleury
  • Isabelle Autissier
  • Eric De Kermel
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The world of tomorrow will be festive and creative! In collaboration with the Francofolies de La Rochelle, we are organizing two festive evenings after the climbing events. Come vibrate to the sound of artists whose message and personality embody the values of El Capp Fest!

J'vis toujours des soirées parisiennesEt j'voudrais vivre des soirées belles à Sienne RochelaisesEt vivre au vent, à feu, à sang
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El Capp Fest
Join the movement

Meet these committed actors!


Film screenings, exchanges and exhibitions


Climbing (bouldering and lead), slackline & zip line, yoga and meditation, aerial silk


Resoling climbing shoes, making holds, repairing clothes, cycling and surfing, maintenance of climbing equipment, making seed bombs, DIY workshops, Low-tech workshops

A Happy Event

El Capp Fest is also the inauguration of a project, the new Cabanes Urbaines building which is emerging from its chrysalis after 12 months of work. You will be able to discover a building mainly made of wood and natural materials.

cabanes 2023
Our vision

Laboratory of Pragmatic Utopias

Dear friends! We went for a little ride in the future! We discovered a wonderful world. Humans and nature lived there in harmony, individuals put the common good and cooperation before their personal interests, well-being had become a priority. Joy, friendliness, celebration, generosity had become fundamental values, long before economic success, growth or development. We have brought back some ingredients of this desirable future and we are going to share them with you!

Our challenge is the quest for consistency between our values, our dream and reality. Our goal is not to claim our actions are perfect, but it is to reconcile the ecological and social ambitions and the economic and contextual reality inherent in any project. We want this event to be a laboratory, a source of inspiration, both in substance and in form.

Our partners

They support us! (And it's not nothing…)

Ville de La RochelleCommunauté agglomération de La RochelleCharente-MaritimeRégion Nouvelle-AquitaineLa Sportiva
Vieux Campeur
Eden Promotion
Entre-PrisesEntre-Prises Holds
Cosy Hotels
FFMEIFSCLes Cabanes Urbaines

El Capp Fest is over, see you next year !

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